Welcome to the new website folks! We’re very happy to be back on with a new and dynamic style.
This site will be filled with vibrant stories and writing from all our members and beyond. In the very near future, our new Members Area will be up and running – any ideas you have about what you’d like to see there, please get in touch.
For members, you will now receive a monthly blogmail posting, capturing all the activity on the site. There will be opportunities for you as members to contribute too.
We are all enduring the difficulties that Covid-19 has brought in its wake. You will already know that some Scottish Writers’ Centre live events are cancelled or postponed.
Our friends and hosts at Glasgow’s CCA have been shut to visitors. We are looking forward to getting back home there as soon as possible and having more fantastic nights in your company.
The Board of the Scottish Writers’ Centre has been working to respond to the Covid-19. We continue to plan ahead to bring top writers to you.We are going on-line from the end of June with a much-anticipated evening with Roseanne Watt and Christie Williamson (more about this elsewhere on the website and on social media), and hope to bring you more wonderful events in that way.
In the meantime, the Board has been working to re-work this website. Apart from refreshing the look and accessibility, we are developing a Members Area, which we hope will be ready in the next few weeks.
In the background, we have been working hard on the boring stuff:
- we reviewed our policies and procedures;
- we have introduced a new membership management system that will make engagement with members easier;
- we have reshaped our members’ newsletter;
- we have re-established the Steering Group to better manage our events programme;
- we have established a strong Finance Group to respond to the changes in the funding environment for the arts.
Please keep in touch with us via this website, email and social media.