Second in our series of Chapbooks: City, Town and Village.
Submissions closing 24/05/2020, one minute to midnight.
We’re so chuffed about the success of the first in our series of Chapbooks! The launch night at the CCA was brilliant fun and the books had a buzzworthy debut at Stanza.
We’re now opening our email doors for submissions to the second in our Chapbook series! See below for guidelines.
We think you’ll agree, the first Chapbook has set the bar high, so we’re looking forward to reading even more of the best of what Scottish writing has to offer!
Laura Fyfe, Scottish Writers’ Centre Board member


The Scottish Writers’ Centre now welcome submissions for the second in our series of Chapbooks: City, Town and Village.
We want to celebrate Scotland and showcase the best of our contemporary writers, so send us what you’re most proud of!
These chapbooks reflect our commitment to Scottish writing and writers, from the islands to the border.
We welcome submissions of poetry and flash fiction, written in any of the languages of Scotland.
Submission deadline: 23.59 on the 24th May 2020
Future themes will be (in this order):
- Borders and Boundaries
- Mountain and Glen
- River, Loch and Burn
Eligibility: writers living in Scotland, or writers writing about Scotland.
Whether professional, part-time or just starting out – we’d love to hear from you!
Maximum word count: 25 lines for poetry and 300 words for flash fiction.
Please send all submissions to:
Writers who are successful will receive a copy of the chapbook and a fee of £10.
Submission Guidelines
- Members of the Scottish Writers’ Centre may submit up to three pieces per Chapbook
- Non-members may submit one piece.
- Copyright will remain with the writer.
- We will only accept work that has not been previously published.
- Submissions not following the guidelines will be discounted.
- Entries should be submitted as one double-spaced Word document in Times New Roman, size 12 (if submitting more than one entry, please include all in the one document).
- Please include a title sheet on the first page with your name, word or line count, title(s), a 50-word bio and your preferred contact details.
- We regret that we cannot provide feedback.
- Submissions should be titled ‘Poetry Submission + YOUR NAME’, ‘Prose Submission + YOUR NAME’