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Angus Peter Campbell

By 08/02/2014December 11th, 2018No Comments

Tuesday 11th February 2014; 7pm to 8.30pm,
CCA Club Room, Glasgow:

‘In Process’ with Angus Peter Campbell

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Angus Peter Campbell (Aonghas Phàdraig Caimbeul) was born and brought up on the Island of South Uist. He is an award-winning poet and novelist, with his Gaelic novel, An Oidhche Mus do Shèol Sinn, figuring in the Top 10 Best Ever Books from Scotland at the List/Orange Awards in 2005. His poetry collection, Aibisidh, was selected as the Poetry Book of the Year, Scotland, in 2012.

Angus works as a writer and actor; he received Scottish BAFTA nomination for his role in the film Seachd. He is a Double Honours graduate in Politics and History from the University of Edinburgh. Sorley MacLean reviewed his first collection of poetry as “a masterpiece”, and he has been elsewhere described as the Mark Twain of modern Gaelic literature. Angus lives in An Caol with his wife and children (who are musicians).

‘S ann à Uibhist a Deas a tha Aonghas Pàdraig Caimbeul. Chaidh e gu Sgoil Ghearraidh na Mòineadh agus an uair sin gu Àrd Sgoil an Òbain, far an robh Iain Crichton Mac a’ Ghobhainn aige na thidsear Beurla. As dèidh sin chaidh e gu Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, far an tug e a-mach Ceum Dùblaichte le Urram ann am Poileataics agus Eachdraidh. Bhon uair sin tha e air a bhith an ceann a chosnaidh mar fhear-naidheachd, mar chraoladair, mar sgriobhaiche agus mar chleasaiche. Chaidh an leabhar bàrdachd aige, ‘Aibisidh’, a thaghadh mar leabhar bàrdachd na bliadhna an Alba ann an 2012. Tha e fuireach an Taobh Siar Shiorrachd Rois. ‘S toigh leis an t-seinn aig Criosaidh ‘Denny’ agus Chet Baker.

Tickets: £6 (£3 for concessions). Free to SWC members.

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