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Neil Williamson

Tuessday 9th April 2013; 7pm,
CCA Clubroom, Glasgow.

‘Writing and Song’ – An Evening with Neil Williamson


An evening of sound and script, with Glasgow-based musician and author Neil Williamson.

Neill will discuss the unusual relationship between his writing and his music, by reading story extracts and performing songs. His literary works range over science-fiction, fantasy, and slipstream; his music encompasses irreverent pop and surreal, Kurt Weill-inflected cabaret. This event promises to be wholly insightful.

Neil was born in Motherwell, and is the author of The Ephemera (Elastic Press, 2006; Infinity Plus Books, 2011), which was shortlisted for the 2007 British Fantasy Award for Best Collection. He is co-editor (with Andrew J Wilson) of Nova Scotia: New Scottish Speculative Fiction (Crescent Books, 2005), which was shortlisted for the 2006 World Fantasy Award. His short story, Arrhythmia (from Music for Another World, Mutation Press, 2010), was shortlisted for the 2011 British Science Fiction Award.

Neil plays piano in the band Murnie. He is also one half of an exceedingly odd couple, presently working in Scottish cabaret: Markee de Saw and Bert Finkle (a piano, a singer, and a singing saw), who toured last year to widespread acclaim at various events (including Edinburgh’s Festival Fringe, T In The Park, and the Glasgay Festival).

Tickets: £6 (£3 concessions). Free to SWC members.

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