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Clydebuilt – an exciting new partnership!

By 11/06/2020June 16th, 2020No Comments

St Mungo’s Mirrorball in partnership with the Edwin Morgan Trust

For Clydebuilt 13, St Mungo’s Mirrorball and the Edwin Morgan Trust have announced that they will  be working together to bring the next round of this well-established mentoring programme to poets in and around Glasgow.

A good number of Scottish Writers’ Centre members have benefited from the excellent support Clydebuilt has given over the years to emerging poets. We wish Mirrorball and EMT all the best with this wonderful joint effort.

The scheme recruits no more than four local (Greater Glasgow) poets who have yet to have a first full collection published (not counting pamphlet publication) and are not currently receiving any support with their development, e.g. not enrolled on an MLitt programme or fee-paying course. This mentoring will be given by an experienced poet-tutor over the course of 12 months, roughly from September 2020 to September 2021, and will consist of 5 group tutorials and 2 sets of one-to-one sessions which will be free to the participants.

How to apply for Clydebuilt 13

If you are interested in applying to be one of the four verse apprentices, e-mail your submission in one document to Clydebuilt Coordinator Samuel Tongue by the Closing Date of Sunday June 28, 2020.

Provide the following

  • Full contact details
  • A brief biography of your writing career to date
  • 5 poems as typical examples of your work
  • A statement of your short-term and long-term poetry goals
  • An outline of what you hope to achieve from the support over the next 12 months
  • A clear indication of the time commitment you are able to give both in terms of writing and attendance at the tutorial programme (September 2020 – September 2021)

A panel including Jim Carruth: Glasgow Makar and Chair of St Mungo’s Mirrorball, Vicki Husband: Poet and Shortlisted Saltire Poetry Book of the Year Award and Samuel Tongue: Poet, Editor, and Project Coordinator, Scottish Poetry Library,  will review the applications and decide whether any interviews are necessary. The chosen tutor/mentor will be involved in the final decision on the apprentices for their group.

Good luck!

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